Monday, June 8, 2009

Last Day of School

Ellie really enjoyed her first year at Forest Hill Playschool. She has learned so much and made so many wonderful little friends. There were 8 students in her class- and 2 wonderful teachers... Miss Michelle and Miss Betty. 3 of her classmates actually live right here in Cameron Wood so we're hoping to stay in touch over the summer.
Ellie loves talking about Jesus and often says...'Mommy, Jesus and Baby Maggie are in my heart'... or the other day she told me she wanted to go to Bethlehem to meet baby Jesus. One of her favorite songs she learned is called 'B-I-B-L-E- that's the book for me' and she sings that song daily to her baby sister! Here are a couple of pics from her last day of school at the park with her teachers.
Can't forget Maggie with Miss Betty-- We're hoping Miss Betty will be her teacher in 2011!

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